Washington Crossing

Washington Crossing

High School 4/9 End of the Century (1980-2000)


1980 Ronald Reagan, 69, oldest man ever to be elected President of the US

1981 John Hinckley, Jr. attempts to assassinate President Reagan
Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on the U.S. Supreme Court

1984 Reagan re-elected for a second term as President of the US

1986 The Iran-Contra Affair

1987 Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan sign Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF            

1989 George H. W. Bush elected President of the US
 Tiananmen Square and China’s Most Favored Nation (MFN) trading status with US
 Fall of Berlin Wall
         WWW invented 

1991 Operation Desert Storm

1992 Bill Clinton elected President of the US

1993 World Trade Center bombing

1995 Oklahoma City Bombing 

1996 Clinton elected for second term as President of US

1999 Y2K bug 

2000 Presidential election with Bush and Gore: the hanging chad


"Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
 --President Ronald Reagan, June 1987, in his famed speech near the Berlin Wall


1) Enter above events on your timeline.

2) Research your assigned president from this time period. What do you feel were the strengths and weaknesses of his presidency? What is his legacy? What do these things reveal about his character?

3) Ian- Briefly teach us about the Iran-Contra Affair. What seem to be the motivations of Reagan Administration officials during this event? What would the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 have to do with this event? 

Ryan-Briefly teach us about the INF Treaty of 1987. Also, what was the Y2K bug?

Cassadie G.-Briefly teach us about what happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Congress passed an amendment to withhold MFN trading status from China in response to this event. Why did President Bush decide to grant MFN status to China in spite of Congressional opposition?

Sasha-Briefly teach us about the fall of the Berlin Wall. How did the lifting of the Iron Curtain impact Germany and surrounding Eastern European nations?

Madi-Briefly teach us about Operation Desert Storm.

Rahbin-Briefly teach us about the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing.

Cassidy L.-Briefly teach us about the Bush and Gore election and the infamous hanging chad.

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